Wrapped Sunnmøre
Some years ago Christo and Jeanne-Claude became famous for their wrapping-in landscapes and landmarks, and that must have been what nature had In mind when Judit and I had a trip, a few days ago, in one of the most breathtaking landscapes of this planet.

I wanted to show her the landscapes, the beautiful alps of Sunnmøre, the narrow valley of Norang which I love so much
. . . . . . but mother nature had something different in mind this first day of November 2006: She gave us snow, snow, and even more, . wet snow. Efficiently was she hiding all the steep, sky-high mountains that were only a few meters away - but invisible . . . But still, I have never heard anyone been so impressed by seeing, or actually, most of the time, not seeing Vartdalstranda: The most forgotten place on earth, the long dangerous hillbilly driving arena which we deadly have to conqueror to get safe to the blessed place of Volda (and, sorry ørstingar: Ørsta) But it has its beauty, and Nordre Vartdal with its beautiful church has certainly - if not to speak about the beautiful sight of ''Hod'', Hareidlandet with a tiny little stroke of the bleak dying winter sun, . . . there far away at the other side of the fjord.

Thank you Judit, thank you for showing that there is a beauty in this world of ours, even if it doesn't show all it has. And I hope we can see more of the mountains next time you come here to the the other side of the edge of the civilised world.
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Kritikker (3)
Judit W.

Hei Odd!


The wrapped mountains were extremely beautiful in the heavy snow, and I also hope that the nature will open up all its beauty it has. Thank you :)

Judit :)
Per Ove H.

Fint balansert komposisjon. Det fargesterke gule huset og den raude løa dannar ein interessant kontrast til resten av biletet som nesten er i naturleg svart/kvitt. Kontrasten mellom den flate dalbotn og den bratte, mektige fjellfoten som ei skimtar gjennom gråveret er bra gjengitt.

Odd Karsten H.

Takk for kommentarar, Judit og Per Ove!
Vinteren forsvant igjen den, såvidt . . . . . men eg trur no likevel ikkje på meir sommar dette året. Den er vel over no, den varme årstida, trur eg. Eg er pesimist, eg!

Eg lot med hensikt biletet vere litt mørkt, eg ville ha fram stemninga med halvlys og våt snø - og eg synest at eg fekk det nokonlunde til. Men igjen oppdaga eg stor forskjell på heimemaskina og kontormaskina mi, så ein dag skal eg, kanskje, setje meg ned for å lære meg litt om kallibrering av skjermar og andre slike magiske ting og greier - men det får vente det . . . det er så mykje anna å fylle tida si med . . . . .

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