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Workshop med Claire Rosen

NORDphotography inviterer til workshop med den populœre mote og fine-art fotografen Claire Rosen. Bli med på 4 intense dager hvor konsept utvikling er i fokus, og hvor deltakerne får delta i en typisk foto-shoot med Claire, før de selv skal planlegge og utføre eget foto-shoot med modeller.
Workshoppen holdes hos Cyan Studio, Jens Bjelkes Gate 13a, OSLO, fra 9-17 (kan variere noe på opptaksdagene).

Deltakerne må medbringe eget kamera og egen lap top. Vi vil på dag 2 og 3 vœre ute i felten på foto-shoot.

Gjesteforeleser på vår workshop med Claire er den kjente Norske stylisten Margrethe Gilboe.

Workshoppen vil foregå på engelsk og Claire sier dette om kurset:

This workshop is perfect for emerging professionals as well as enthusiast photographers. It is a workshop for anyone who dreams of creating conceptual work either for personal projects, to train for commercial assignments, or to expand your portfolio with new and exciting images. You will leave this class with the confidence and knowledge to execute any concept you or a client can dream up.

Photography is an incredible tool that allows us to create narrative stories visually. This four day course will cover the elements involved in creating conceptual imagery with a focus on making images that are about something rather than of something. Students will learn about brainstorming and concept development, visual storytelling, preproduction and scheduling, scouting locations, finding and working with talent, as well as executing a shoot. Students will work with models on day 2 and 3 of the workshop.

Day 1 will be spent in the classroom looking at presentations of contemporary photographers, learning about working on location, brainstorming concepts and preproduction. On Day 2 guest lecturer, stylist Margrethe Gilboe, will give a presentation, then students will plan for their individual shoot concepts, followed by a group conceptual photo shoot which the students will participate in. On Day 3 students will execute their individual shoot concepts. Day 4 will be spent editing and critique images from the previous day with input from guest lecturer, Margrethe. The course will wrap up with a discussion of essential business practices with Margrethe discussing the commercial industry in Norway, while Claire covers the international market.

On Day 2 for our group conceptual photo shoot, MARGRETHE GILBOE, will teach us about the different team members that are necessary for professional photo shoots and why it is so important for photographers to collaborate and create a great team. Margrethe and Claire will collaborate on a group shoot, which will demonstrate the importance of creating a specific mood with the correct clothes, make up, and hair. Margrethe will also discuss creating mood-boards and explain how they are used and why it is important to have the board as a guide throughout a shoot. You will also get an insider look at the photo industry in Norway and learn how to find your niche as a photographer in this very competitive business. Margrethe has worked with Norway's leading photographers for the last 20 years and is a good person to get to know.

Guest Lecturer:
MARGRETHE GILBOE is one of Norway's most experienced and celebrated stylist and one of the founders of Norway's largest styling agency PUDDER.

Claire Rosen is a fashion and fine art photographer, video artist and educator. She loves big dresses, vintage taxidermy and adventures. Much of her inspiration comes from fairy tales, fables and other children's stories. She is drawn both to beauty and darkness as it exists in life, and her images explore this duality.

In 2010, Claire's commercial work was recognized by Communication Arts Photography Annual, International Photography Awards, Prix de la Photographie, Sony World Awards, Artists Wanted: Exposure as well as The Art Project: W Magazine. Her fine art series has received awards in the self portrait category of the International Photography Awards in 2010 and the Prix de la Photographie in 2009.

Claire is currently represented by Verve Gallery, Gallery 51 and Asymmetrick Arts; her fine art work has been exhibited widely and is included in many public and private collections. She has been featured in Direct Art, Creative Quarterly Journal, Photocine News and The Montclair Times. Her client list includes Random House Publishing, Neiman Marcus Short Hills, Doubleday Magazine, Prevention Magazine, Mia Magazine, N.E.E.T Magazine, The London Sunday Fashion Times, Bangz Salon & Spa, Alex Randall Bespoke Lighting, Ryan Wilde Millinery, Alex Young and Cora Pearl Underpinnings.

In addition, Claire lectures and teaches courses around the world in photography through the New Jersey Visual Arts Center, Unique University, The Yard School of Art, The Compelling Image, Gulf Photo Plus and NORDphotography. Claire is sponsored as one of Dynalite's VIP shooters.

Claire graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2006 with a BFA in photography. She received her AA from Bard College at Simon's Rock in 2003.

To see more of Claire's work go to her webpage: clairerosenphoto.com

Kr. 7.500,- NOK

For å melde seg på denne workshoppen send en e-post til post@nordphotography.com.

Har du spørsmål om denne workshoppen, eller NORDphotography, må du gjerne ringe oss på mobil 95 47 69 66.

Det er bindende påmelding og krav om innbetaling av depositum på kr. 2.000,- for å reservere en plass. Resterende beløp betales inn senest 1 måned før kursstart.

Det tas forbehold om minimum 10 deltakere på denne workshoppen. Skulle ikke kravet oppfylles vil workshoppen utsettes til et senere tidspunkt og innbetalt depositum returnert. Maksimum antall deltakere: 15 stk.

Førstemann til mølla prinsippet gjelder.

Kommer du reisende til workshoppen: Vi ber deltakerne avvente med å bestille billetter/overnatting før NORDphotography har bekreftet at vi er mange nok deltakere.

Workshoppen arrangeres av NORDphotography. Les mer om oss og de workshopper vi arrangerer på www.nordphotography.com


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Claire Rosen -
Claire Rosen
Advertising campaign for Alex Randall
Claire Rosen -
Claire Rosen
Advertising campaign for Alex Randall
Claire Rosen -
Claire Rosen
Advertising campaign for Alex Randall
Claire Rosen - The Doc Circus, model Alessandre from mc2
The Doc Circus, model Alessandre from mc2
Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen - The Doc Circus, model Alessandre from mc2
The Doc Circus, model Alessandre from mc2
Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen - The Lost Girl, for N.E.E.T Magazine
The Lost Girl, for N.E.E.T Magazine
Claire Rosen
Model: Nadia of Specs Agency, styling: Natalie Krim
Claire Rosen - The Lost Girl, for N.E.E.T Magazine
The Lost Girl, for N.E.E.T Magazine
Claire Rosen
Model: Nadia of Specs Agency, styling: Natalie Krim
Claire Rosen - The Lost Girl, for N.E.E.T Magazine
The Lost Girl, for N.E.E.T Magazine
Claire Rosen
Model: Nadia of Specs Agency, styling: Natalie Krim

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