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Lær og lage håndlagde kunst bøker, portfolio esker, og personlige album til fotografiene dine:
Det blir 4 intense dager hvor du lœrer alt fra enkel bindingteknikk til mer komplisert trekkspill binding, japanske stikk, clam-shell esker mm. Deltakere trenger ingen forkunnskaper i bokbinding for å delta, og dette er en workshop for alle.

Vi bruker nydelige mønster-ark fra Norway Designs og har fint bommulspapir til disposisjon, slik at de bøkene som lages blir av høy kvalitet.

Workshopen foregår på engelsk:
Create unique and beautiful handmade books

A hand made book has an incredible and powerful potential as both portfolio and artist book. With learning bookbinding, you will be able to create books, portfolios, and portfolio boxes tailor-made to fit with your work.

This workshop is designed for photographers and other image-makers wanting to create artist books of their work, as well as for anyone looking to learn a new craft. Bindings taught in the class will include Coptic, Accordion, Japanese stab, as well as clamshell boxes.

Participants will in addition to the different techniques learn about different papers, threads, and tools needed for the different binding processes.

You need no prior knowledge of bookbinding, as this is intended to be a beginner’s level workshop. You will be provided with a large variety of different types of paper for binding, decorative paper, cardboard, linen cover, as well as all the bookbinding equipment you would need. You will leave this workshop mastering 4–6 different binding techniques and several finished books created by you with high quality paper from Norwegian Designs.

About Travis Hocutt:: www.travishocutt.com
Travis is an emerging artist and graduate student at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in America. He works with many diverse media including alternative process photography, video, paper sculptures and bookmaking. He has several solo exhibitions of his work in the United States, and was one of two chosen artist for SAGA Gallery's summer exhibit in 2013. Travis was the recipient of the Robert C. Larson Venture Award at Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2013.

Workshopen foregår på vårt workshopsenter i Nord-trøndelag, SAGA, beliggende ca. 1 time nord for Trondheim Lufthavn Værnes. Det går tog direkte fra flyplass til SAGA (nordgående tog - retning Steinkjer).

Full workshop beskrivelse med alt av praktisk informasjon finner du på: www.nordphotography.com

Påmelding til vår e-post: post@nordphotography.com eller registrer deg direkte på NORDphotography's nettside: Workshop Travis Hocutt

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