TimerLength Disable; 6 s: 6; 16 s: 16; After release: 2
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CreateDate 2013:07:19 13:02:41
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SubSecModifyDate 2013:07:19 18:44:03.25
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ETTLII Evaluative
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FileInodeChangeDate 2020:03:25 03:57:11+01:00
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Warning (1) [minor] Fixed incorrect URI for xmlns:MicrosoftPhoto
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ExposureTime (1) 1/512
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QuickControlDialInMeter Exposure comp/Aperture
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TimeStamp 2013:07:19 13:02:41
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Subject Tour de France 2
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SubSecCreateDate 2013:07:19 13:02:41.25
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CameraType EOS High-end
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FileModifyDate 2014:03:08 01:35:52+01:00
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ResolutionUnit inches
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ISO 400
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SelectableAFPoint Inner 9 Points, Multi-controller selectable
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SubSecDateTimeOriginal 2013:07:19 13:02:41.25
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ResolutionUnit (2) inches